skku school of pharmacy

학술 행사 안내

>게시판 >학술 행사 안내

[11.07.15] 세미나공지

관리자 / 등록일 11-07-15 / 조회 1,170


Epigemetics Seminar


Dr. Katsura Asano, Associate Professor

(Kansas State University, Division of Biology, USA)

제목 : Mechanism and control of translation initiation by translation factor eIF4G and eIF3e/int6
장소 : 약학관 530154호
시간 : 7월 15일(금), 오전 11시



Mechanism and control of translation initiation by eIF4G and eIF3e/Int6

Dr. Katsura Asano

Kansas State University, Division of Biology 

During translation initiation in eukaryotes, more than ten initiation factors (eIFs) separates the 80S ribosome into the small (40S) and large (60S) subunits, assemble Met-tRNAi and mRNA onto the 40S subunit at its decoding site and then reassociate the 60S subunit with the complete 40S assemblage. eIF4G and eIF3 play the major role in mRNA recruitment to the 40S subunit. In this talk, I describe our recent finding and propose the mechanism by which (i) eIF4G recruits mRNA and bind mRNA across the decoding site, being assisted by other factors and (ii) eIF3 is involved in recruiting specific mRNAs. The e-subunit of eIF3 was genetically identified as int-6 tumor suppressor locus in mice. We suggest that tumorigenesis caused by the loss of int-6 is due to a defect in specific translational control.


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