교수/연구실 소개
>대학소개 >교수/연구실 소개
신 주 영Ju Young Shin
- 전공약물역학, 약물감시, 보건의료개론
- 사무실No. 530203
031-290-7702 - 연구실No. 530209
031-299-4377 - e-mailshin.jy@skku.edu
- 2000-2005 서울대학교 약학대학 제약학과 약학사
- 2005-2008 서울대학교 보건대학원 보건학석사 (보건정책관리학)
- 2008-2012 서울대학교 의과대학 의학박사 (약물역학)
- 2012-2015 한국의약품안전관리원 DUR정보팀장
- 2015-2015 남호주대학교 약학대학 방문연구원 (University of South Australia, School of Pharmacy)
- 2015-2016 캐나다 맥길대학교박사후연구원(McGill University, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Occupational Health)
최근 연구업적
- Ha D, Song I, Jang G, Lee EK, Shin JY. Use pattern and predictors of use of highly caffeinated energy drinks among South Korean adolescents: a study using the Health Belief Model. BMJ Open. 2017 Sep 24;7(9):e017224.
- Lee MY, Shin JY, Park SY, Kim D, Cha HS, Lee EK. Persistence of biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: An analysis of the South Korean National Health Insurance Database. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2017 Aug 31. pii: S0049-0172(17)30164-6.
- Chin HJ, Nam JH, Lee EK, Shin JY. Comparative safety for cardiovascular outcomes of DPP-4 inhibitors versus glimepiride in patients with type 2 diabetes: A retrospective cohort study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Jun;96(25):e7213.
- Song I, Lee MS, Lee EK, Shin JY. Patient and provider characteristics related with prescribing of ADHD medication: Nationwide health insurance claims database study in Korea. Asia Pac Psychiatry. 2017 Jun 20. doi: 10.1111.
- Park SY, Bae S, Shin JY. Real-world prescribing patterns of long-acting benzodiazepines for elderly Koreans in 2013?. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2017 Jun;55(6):472-479.
- Seo N, Song I, Park H, Ha D, Shin JY. Trends in the prescribing of atypical antipsychotics in elderly patients with dementia in Korea?. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2017 Jul;55(7):581-587.
- Lee YJ, Kwon SH, Hong SH, Nam JH, Song HJ, Lee JS, Lee EK, Shin JY. Health Care Utilization and Direct Costs in Mild, Moderate, and Severe Adult Asthma: A Descriptive Study Using the 2014 South Korean Health Insurance Database. Clin Ther. 2017 Mar;39(3):527-536.
- Song I, Shin HN, Shin JY. Decrease in use of contraindicated drugs with automated alerts in children. Pediatr Int. 2017 Jun;59(6):720-726.
- Shin JY, Song I, Lee JH, Yoon JL, Kwon JS, Park BJ. Differential Risk of Peptic Ulcer Among Users of Antidepressants Combined With Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2017 Apr;37(2):239-245.
- Shin JY, Roughead EE, Park BJ. Pratt NL. Cardiovascular safety of methylphenidate among paediatric patients with ADHD: a nationwide self-controlled case series study. BMJ 2016; 353: j2550. (IF=19.967)
- Shin JY,Azoulay L, Filion KB. Correspondence to the editor: Statin use in patients with hepatitis C-related cirrhosis: true benefit or immortal time bias?. Gastroenterology 2016; 151(2): 373.(IF=16.716)
- Song IM, Choi SH, ShinJY. Trends in prescription of pregnancy-contraindicated drugs in Korea, 2007-2011. RegulToxicolPharmacol 2016;75:35-45.(IF=2.390) (Corresponding author)
- Renoux CR, ShinJY, Dell’Aniello S, Fergusson E, Suissa S. Prescribing trends of ADHD Medications in UK primary care, 1995-2015. Br J ClinPharmacol 2016 May 4. doi: 10.1111/bcp.13000. (IF=3.878)
- Shin JY, Park MJ, Lee SH, Kim MH, Choi NK, Lee J, Park BJ. Risk of intracranial haemorrhage in antidepressant users with concurrent use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: nationwide propensity score matched study. BMJ 2015; 351:h3517. (IF=17.445)
- Shin JY, Lee SH, Shin SM, Shin HN, Park BJ. Regulatory action and moderate decrease in methylphenidate use among ADHD diagnosed patients aged five and under in Korea. RegulToxicolPharmacol 2015;72:244-8. (IF=2.390)
- Shin JY, Choi NK, Lee J, Park MJ, Lee SH, Park BJ. A comparison of risperidone and haloperidol for the risk of ischemic stroke in the elderly: a propensity score-matched cohort analysis. J Psychopharmacol 2015;29-903-9. (IF=3.396)
- Shin JY, Choi NK, Lee J, Seong JM, Lee SH, Park MJ, Park BJ. Risk of ischemic stroke associated with the use of antipsychotic drugs in elderly patients: A retrospective cohort study in Korea. PLoS One 2015;10:e011993. (IF=3.73)
- Shin JY, Lee SH, Shin SM, Kim MH, Park BJ. Prescribing patterns of the four most commonly used sedatives in endoscopic examination in Korea: Propofol, midazolam, diazepam, and lorazepam. RegulToxicolPharmacol 2015;71-565-70. (IF=2.390)
- Shin SM, ShinJY*, Kim MH, Lee SH, Choi S, Park BJ. Prevalence of antibiotic use for pediatric acute upper respiratory tract infections in Korea. J Korean Med Sci 2015;30:617-24. (IF=1.249) (*co-first author)
- Park HJ, ShinJY*, Kim MH, Park BJ. Increased use in propofol and reported patterns of adverse events among anesthetics in Korea. RegulToxicolPharmacol 2015;71:478-83. (IF=2.390) (*co-first author)
- E. E. Roughead, E. W. Chan, N. K. Choi, M. Kimura, T. Kimura, K. Kubota, E. C. Lai, K. K. Man, T. A. Nguyen, N. Ooba, B. J. Park, T. Sato, J.Y.Shin, T.Wang, J.Griffiths, I.C.Wong, Y.H.Yang, N.L.Pratt. Variationin Association between Thiazolidinediones and Heart Failurea cross Ethnic Groups: Retrospective Analysisof Large Healthcare Claims Databases in Six Countries. Drug Saf 2015;38:823-31. (IF=2.824)
- Lai EC, Man KK, Chaiyakunapruk N, Cheng CL, Chien HC, Chui CS, Dilokthornsakul P, Hardy NC, Hsieh CY, Hsu CY, Kubota K, Lin TC, Liu Y, Park BJ, Pratt N, Roughead EE, ShinJY, Watcharathanakij S, Wen J, Wong IC, Yang YH, Zhang Y, Setoguchi S. Brief Report: Databases in the Asia-Pacific Region: The Potential for a Distributed Network Approach. Epidemiology 2015;26:815-20. (IF=6.178)
- Pratt N, Chan EW, Choi NK, Kimura M, Kimura T, Kubota K, Lai EC, Man KK, Ooba N, Park BJ, Sato T, ShinJY, Wong IC, Kao Yang YH, Roughead EE. Prescription sequence symmetry analysis: assessing risk, temporality, and consistency for adverse drug reactions across datasets in five countries. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2015;24:858-64. (IF=3.172)
- Kim YJ, Choi NK, Kim MS, Lee J, Chang Y, Seong JM, Jung SY, ShinJY, Park JE, Park BJ. Evaluation of low-dose aspirin for primary prevention of ischemic stroke among patients with diabetes: a retrospective cohort study. DiabetolMetabSyndr. 2015;7:8. (IF=2.50)
- Yang BR, Seong JM, Choi NK, ShinJY, Lee J, Kim YJ, Kim MS, Park S, Song HJ, Park BJ. Co-medication of statins with contraindicated drugs. PLoS One 2015;10:e0125180. (IF=3.73)
- Seong JM, Choi NK, ShinJY, Jang Y, Kim YJ, Lee J, Kim J, Park BJ. Differential Cardiovascular Outcomes after Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitor, Sulfonylurea, and Pioglitazone Therapy, all in Combination with Metformin, for Type 2 Diabetes: a Population-based Cohort Study. PLoS One 2015;20;10:e0124287. (IF=3.73)
- Kim JM, ShinJY, Lee J, Choi NK, Song HJ, Park BJ. Comparison of the Prescribing Pattern of Bisphosphonate and Raloxifene in Korean Women with Osteoporosis: From a National Health Insurance Claims Database. PLoS One 2015;10:e0127970. (IF=3.73)
- Jungmee Kim, Joongyub Lee, Ju-YoungShin, Byung-Joo Park. Socioeconomic Disparities in Osteoporosis Prevalence: Different Results in the Overall Korean Adult Population and Single-Person Households. J Prev Med Public Health 2015;48:84-93. (Pubmed Indexed Journal)
- Ryoo JH, Park SK, Ye S, Choi JM, Oh CM, Kim SY, ShinJY, Park JH, Hong HP, Ko TS. Estimation of risk for diabetes according to the metabolically healthy status stratified by degree of obesity in Korean men. Endocrine 2015;50:650-8. (IF=3.53)
- Shin JY, Jung SY, Ahn SH, Lee SH, Kim SJ, Seong JM, Chung SY, Park BJ. New initiatives for pharmacovigilance in South Korea: introducing the Korea Institute of Drug Safety and Risk Management (KIDS). Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2014; 23:1115-1122. (IF=3.172)
- Shin JY, Kim MH, Shin SM, Lee SH, Park BJ. Dramatic decrease in fluoroquinolones in the pediatric population in Korea. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2014; 23:1320-4. (IF=3.172)
- Lee SH, ShinJY*, Park MJ, Park BJ. Agreement of label information of cardiovascular drugs in pregnancy among Korea, the USA, the UK, and Japan. RegulToxicolPharmacol 2014;68:363-369. (IF=2.390) (*co-first author)
Jin XM, Lee J, Choi NK, Seong JM, ShinJY, Kim YJ, Kim MS, Yang BR, Park BJ. Utilization patterns of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in elderly rheumatoid arthritis patients. J Korean Med Sci 2014;29:210-216. (IF=1.249) - Ahn SH, Choi NK, Kim YJ, Seong JM, ShinJY, Jung SY, Park BJ. Drug persistency of cholinesterase inhibitors for patients with dementia of Alzheimer type in Korea. Arch Pharm Res 2014;38:1255-62. (IF=1.751)
- Choi NK, Lee J, Chang Y, Kim YJ, Kim JY, Song HJ, ShinJY, Jung SY, Choi Y, Lee JH, Park BJ. Acute renal failure following oral sodium phosphate bowel preparation: a nationwide case-crossover study. Endoscopy 2014; 46:465-470. (IF=5.196)
- 국내 의료 빅데이터를 활용한 측정불가시간 비뚤림 국제 표준 솔루션 개발 (한국연구재단)
- 약국의 부작용 보고사례의 충실도 평가와 개선방안 (식품의약품안전평가원)
- 건강보험 빅데이터를 이용한 스타틴의 지역사회폐렴 예방효과구명-새로운 적응증 탐색을 통한 신약개발연구
- 연령관련 황반변성 예방약제 탐색을 위한 네스티드 환자-대조군연구: 건강보험 빅데이터를 활용한 약물역학연구 (한국연구재단)
- Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance
- Drug utilization study using nationwide big database
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