>게시판 >취업게시판
다국적 제약회사 CRA Manager 모집
관리자 / 등록일 08-03-11 / 조회 1,221
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다국적 제약회사 CRA Manager 모집
1. 의뢰사 : 다국적 제약회사
2. 모집내용
* Position : 다국적 제약회사 CRA Manager
< 담당업무>
1. <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Asia Regional Project Leader for Global Clinical Trial
2. Trial Preparation (Budgeting, IRB/KFDA Approval, Contract and etc.)
3. Trial management including investigator payment, issue management and etc.
4. CRO management for Asian countries
5. Communication with global/regional team
[Job Qualification]
1. Master Degree or above in Life Sciences (Medicine /Pharmacy / Nursing / Biology or Related Fields)
2. Min. 3 years experiences as Clinical Trial project leader AND 1 yearexperience in people management
3. Conducted at least 5 clinical trials
4. Fluent at both written and spoken English
1. Show good leadership qualities & excellent communication skills in English
2. Experience of whole trial procedures from planning, site selection, initiation, monitoring, auditing/inspection and close out
3. Good organization & planning skills
4. Good knowledge of GCP/Monitoring Clinical Trials/Trial Management
5. Achieve good quality and recruitment
6. Strong problem-solving, interpersonal, team building and organization skill
7. Ability to travel
JHHR 헤드헌팅계의 선두 신뢰 기업
컨설턴트 김영주
02-567-7407, 7408