skku school of pharmacy


>게시판 >취업게시판


행정실 / 등록일 06-12-04 / 조회 1,820

모집부문Scientist , research technician 모집대상  j_014_1.gif


전공화학전공,약학부 전학년평점 
자격사항■ Requirements:
○ Scientist: Applicants should have a Ph. D. in organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, or combinatorial chemistry with previous expertise in novel drug R&D either through an academic post doctoral position or in a biotech/pharmaceutical company.
○ Research Technician: Applicants should have an MS in organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, or combinatorial chemistry.

※ Both positions require ability to communicate in English.

■ Job description:
Scientists will develop synthetic methods and synthesize novel chemicals for the development of innovative candidates for clinical studies. This will include establishment of strategies for scaffold modification, organic and/or focused combinatorial chemistry, and structure identification. Scientists will be expected to write reports and prepare scientific publications.
The technician will assist scientists with the synthesis of novel chemicals. The technician will be expected to write reports.
제출서류Detailed Curriculum Vitae, contact information for references (who have familiarity with the candidates scientific and technical expertise), and a letter describing your past activities and your motivation should be submitted electronically to "" no later than the closing date.