>게시판 >Research
2019 대한약학회 추계국제학술대회 수상자
관리자 / 등록일 19-11-08 / 조회 1,679
지난 10/14~15일 여수 엑스포 컨벤션센터에서 개최된 2019 대한약학회 추계국제학술대회에서 우리대학 소속 대학원생 총 17명이 수상하였습니다.
수상을 진심으로 축하드립니다.
수상명 | 학생명 | 과정 | 지도교수 | 발표 제목 |
우수구두발표상 | 백수철 | 석사 | 김기현 | Polyacetylene, abscisic acid, and propionic acid derivativesfrom the florets of Carthamus tinctorius |
김연 | 박사 | 이정미 | New approach to expanding the applicability ofhydrophobic deep eutectic solvents by mixing: evaluation oftheir extraction capability and coverage in comparison withconventional organic extraction solvents | |
우수포스터발표상 | 태인환 | 박사 | 김형식 | A new SIRT1 inhibitor, MHY 2245, induces autophagy celldeath in human ovarian cancer cells via PKM2/mTORpathway |
김근영 | 석사 | 김인수 | Synthesis of C3-Linked Bis-7-azaindoles and CytotoxicEvaluation | |
이용훈 | 석사 | 김기현 | Denatonium, a bitter chemical compound from Phaseolusmultiflorus var. albus | |
김한주 | 석박통합 | 윤유석 | Comparative study on the antitumor efficacy of albuminnanoparticles containing gold nanorods vs. goldnanoclusters | |
최혜영 | 박사 | 이재현 | Study on new drug application timeline in Korea between2011 and 2017 | |
구두발표상 | 김선경 | 석사 | 장춘곤 | 7,3',4'-Trihydroxyisoflavone improves cognitive function byregulation of cholinergic system and BDNF signalingpathway in mice |
성수정 | 석사 | 장춘곤 | Korean Red Ginseng extract ameliorates CSDS-inducedmood disorders by mitigating NMDA receptor up-regulation | |
박재현 | 석박통합 | 김형식 | Identification of new biomarkers for early detection ofdiabetic-induced kidney dysfunction | |
프리스위시 | 박사 | 김인수 | Reductive Alkylation of Diazine N-oxides to Alkyl Diazines,Catalyst Free Transformation | |
Ke Li | 박사 | 이정미 | In situ formed thymol-based deep eutectic solvents coupledwith liquid-liquid microextraction toward simple and greensample preparation for antibiotics in surface water | |
송창호 | 석박통합 | 신범수 | Bioanalysis of a novel radiopharmaceutical for the treatmentof prostate cancer by liquid chromatography-tandem massspectrometry and its application to a pharmacokinetic study | |
전하림 | 박사 | 신주영 | Association of intravitreal ranibizumab therapy with risk ofstroke and acute myocardial infarction: a nationwide self-controlled case-series study | |
포스터발표상 | 박기민 | 석박통합 | 정영훈 | Synthesis of conduramine C1 derivatives as glucosidaseinhibitors using chlorosulfonyl isocyanate |
이슬아 | 석박통합 | 김기현 | Trichothecene and tremulane sesquiterpenes from ahallucinogenic mushroom Gymnopilus junonius | |
조철희 | 석박통합 | 박은석 | Comparison of die filling behavior on rotary tablet pressbetween conventional tablet and microtablet |