skku school of pharmacy


>게시판 >취업게시판

[맨파워] 노바티스 PV Specialist

관리자 / 등록일 23-11-08 / 조회 524

노바티스 / / 477 / 스위스계
주소서울시 영등포구 국제금융로10 Three IFC 49 (5, 9호선 여의도역 부근)


여의도역/신입가능외국계 글로벌 제약회사 Patient Safety Specialist

근무회사 및 모집부문]
근무회사여의도역 부근에 위치한 외국계 글로벌 제약회사
사업분야의약제품면역억제제살진균제 등
* Position Title: Patient Safety Specialist


스위스 바젤에 본사를 둔 본 기업은 세계적인 헬스케어 분야의 선두기업으로, 3개의 주요사업부문(전문의약품사업부문안과사업부문제네릭사업부문 )에 중점을 두고 있으며현재 전 세계 180여 개국에 약 11 8천 명의 직원이 근무하고 있습니다.



To support management of Patient Safety operational processes at Country Organization ensuring compliance with Novartis global and local procedures, national and international regulations/ standards/ guidelines for vigilance of both marketed and investigational products (incl. drugs, food supplements and medical devices) from Novartis Group.


[모집분야 및 업무내용]

  1. Manage the collection, processing, documentation, reporting and follow-up of all adverse event reports for all Novartis products from Clinical Trials, Non-interventional Studies, Patient Oriented Program (POPs), Literature, Spontaneous Reports, and any other source of information. Transcribe, translate, and enter data from source documents into safety systems accurately and consistently with focus quality and on timeliness. When case processing activities are externalized, liaise with the respective External Service Providers to ensure Novartis Procedures compliance.
  2. Manage reporting/submission/distribution of safety reports/updates/information (e.g., SAE, SR, IN/SUSAR, PSUR, Biannual SUSAR Listing, DSUR) to Local Health Authorities (LHA) and/or clinical operations in cooperation with other Country Organization Departments.
  3. Develop, update, and implement local procedures to ensure compliance with Patient Safety global procedures and national requirements.
  4. Interact and collaborate with other departments (such as Medical Affairs, Marketing, Patient Engagement, etc.) to ensure that any projects/ initiatives that potentially involve safety data collection (POPs, DEAs, SM/SML, etc.) follow the Novartis vigilance requirements.
  5. Management and distribution of vigilance clauses to other departments (such as Legal, Procurement, etc.) to be included in local agreements if necessary


※지원자에 한하여 원문 JD를 공유하고 있습니다.



- 4년제 대학 졸업자 이상 (Health Care Sciences Professional (e.g. Medical Doctor, Nurse, Pharmacist) or equivalent education, training and experience)

업무 상 영어활용 가능자 (Reading & Writing)

- PV 경력자 우대 (신입지원 가능)



계약기간: 17개월 (맨파워 소속 파견 계약직산휴대체)

입사 타겟일 : 2024 1

근무지서울시 영등포구 국제금융로10 (5, 9호선 여의도역 부근)

근무시간: 09:00 ~ 18:00 ( 5일 근무 / 초과 근무 시 별도 수당 제공)

급여회사내규 (경력직의 경우 관련 경력 및 최종연봉에 따른 별도 산정)

복리후생재택 병행선택적복리후생비만근수당 별도 지급, 4대보험연차퇴직금명절 및 생일선물경조휴가 등


홈페이지 접수 :
제출서류국문 이력서 및 자기소개서 (MS Word 양식)
담당자이혜지, 02-6420-0364


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